
Adding patients to a membership

When you add a membership to a patient's account, a membership card displays next to the patient's name for easy identification.

  1. On the Claim page, click the pencil icon next to the patient's name.

  2. At the top of the page, click Edit patient details.

  3. On the Account Details page, enter the membership start date. If this is a limited membership, enter the membership end date.

  4. Click Save.

    If you don't see the membership icon next to the patient's name on the claim header, check to ensure that the service date on the claim is within the starting membership date that you set. If the service date is outside the starting membership date, the membership icon will not display.

Note: A person must be a patient before you flag them as a member. You cannot create a list of members without a person first being a patient.

Incomplete claim with a patient member

As Billers work incomplete claims, they could miss that a patient is a member and queue the claim up for submission. If this is the case, the system will not submit the claim; instead, it automatically puts the claim in a 'Suspended - Patient is a member' status. Persons responsible for dealing with patient members can go to the Dashboard to find claims with the 'Suspended - Patient is a member' status.

Billing a patient member

Payment posting

During payment posting, when the payment moves to a patient with a membership, a review page displays.

You have the option to move the payment to the patient and suspend the claim, or adjust off the balance and close the claim.

  • Adjust off balance and close: Based on the rules outlined in the membership program, the balance will not be forwarded to the patient. Instead, the claim will be closed with a status of "Closed - balance resolved."
  • Move to patient and suspend: Some portion or all the balance will be forwarded to the patient member. When you click this button, the claim's status changes to "Suspended - Patient is a member." Claims with this status displays on the Dashboard.
  • The suspended - patient is a member status shows on the dashboard

After you suspend a patient member claim

When the payment moves to the patient, the system will automatically suspend the claim with a status of "Suspended - Patient is a member." Deal with the claim per your company's membership policy.

Revenue adjustments can also be done on the Claim page. Make sure you select "Membership discount."

How membership discounts display in accounting periods

On the navigation bar, click Accounting Periods and then click the link in the adjustment column. The membership discount displays in the Adjustment Description column.

The membership adjustment displays on the accounting period.

Running the Membership Tracking report

The Membership Tracking report displays a list of all patients participating in your membership program. It includes the membership start/stop date and the number of claims during their membership.

  1. On the navigation bar, click Reports.
  2. Scroll down and click Membership Tracking.
  3. Enter the start and end date and then click View Report.