Use this page to record the building location information such as the type of property, the name and occupancy ID, address, and response district.
Name: Enter a name to associate with this building.
Occupancy ID: Enter the internal numbering sequence that your agency uses for assigning an ID to an occupancy. You can use the street number, internal control number, etc. This ID is unique to this occupancy and cannot be duplicated.
Station: Primary station that will service this occupancy.
Property ID: Use this field whenever you want to group occupancies together that are on the same property - such as a strip mall. Grouping occupancies together allows them to be searched more easily.
Address: There are several ways to enter an address. Either way will populate the relevant address fields on the page.
Google Search an Address: Click in the field and start typing the building's address. Google will show a list of address that match what you type.
Select Common Address: Click this field to view a list of addresses to choose from. The addresses in this list come from the 'Common Addresses' code table.
Response district: Click the field to select a response district from the list. It is possible that the response district and the station will be the same.
Inspection district: Enter the district in which the inspector resides.
Unit: This field can be used for many purposes such as marking this building as a highrise unit, identifying the type of unit like a ladder truck, or if you want to tract the unit for inspections - you can assign the unit here.
Use the checkboxes on the bottom right to:
Self inspected occupancy: Check if this is an industrial complex that has their own on-site inspectors that provide the inspection report to the department.
Hide the occupancy in lookups
Primary occupancy for property: If this occupancy was assigned to a property then you can check this box to designate this as the primary occupancy.
Construction date: Select the date the property was built.