ZOLL emsCharts RescueNet Billing Interface

What is it?

The ZOLL emsCharts RescueNet Billing Interface is an integration between ZOLL emsCharts and RescueNet Dispatch and Billing (RNDB). This integration uses the RescueNet (RN) ePCR Import Web Service to import data from ZOLL emsCharts into RNDB and Billing Pro. The RN Import Web Service runs on the RN ePCR web server that is owned and maintained by your agency or parent company, or is hosted by ZOLL. The Import Web Service follows the NEMSIS-defined pattern for receiving NEMSIS 3.4 formatted files to import into RNDB. It can receive both demographic dataset files used for configuration of the system, and EMS dataset files which contain the details about a specific patient encounter.

This integration is for services that use ZOLL emsCharts to document patient encounters and use RescueNet Billing or Billing Pro for billing purposes. It is important not to confuse this interface with the other ZOLL emsCharts to RNDB solution that uses the Remote Downloader and NEMSIS Trip Import to export chart data from ZOLL emsCharts and import it into RNDB.

Note: This interface is completely separate from the NEMSIS Trip Import integration.

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  • ZOLL emsCharts

  • RNDB 4.8.2

  • RN ePCR 6.6 with Service Pack version 2+ (6.6.X versions only, not 6.7)

    • Important! RN ePCR 6.7 is NOT currently supported but we are working on implementing the latest changes to the interface so it will be compatible with 6.7

    • Web server with a non-temporary security certificate if your RN ePCR system is not hosted by ZOLL

    • ZOLL emsCharts IP addresses must be whitelisted for your RescueNet web server to ensure connections are not rejected or blocked. Please consult with your ZOLL implementations specialist or ZOLL support for details.

Common terms

  • ZOLL emsCharts RescueNet Billing Interface: The name of this integration.

  • RNDB to ZOLL emsCharts Integration: Integration that sends CAD data from RescueNet Dispatch to ZOLL emsCharts. This integration is separate from and not required for the ZOLL emsCharts RescueNet Billing Interface that this topic covers.

  • RescueNet Import Web Service: The primary workhorse for the integration interface. The Import Web Service receives NEMSIS data from ZOLL emsCharts and imports it into RNDB.

    Note: The RN Import Web Service application will show up in Internet Information Services Management console on the web server as 'ZOLLPCRIMPORTWEBSERVICE' and you may hear it referred to as PCR Import Web Service or similar variations.

  • RescueNet Administration (RN Admin): Administration tool for RNDB and some RN ePCR configurations.

  • Field Data Administration (FD Admin): One of two administration tools for RN ePCR.

  • ZOLL Data Management Console (ZDMC): One of two administration tools for RN ePCR.

  • RescueNet Administration workstation (RN admin workstation): A workstation that has RescueNet Billing and RescueNet ePCR administration tools (RN Admin, FD Admin, and ZDMC) installed.

  • RCSQL database (RCSQL): The primary database where all the RNDB and RN ePCR configurations are stored. RNDB trip data is also stored here as well as the chart and demographic data imported from ZOLL emsCharts.


Your crews will document their charts and lock them as normal. Once your charts move to a QA level that triggers a chart summary generation, the data will send to the RN ePCR Import Web Service which will process and import the data into the RCSQL database so it is accessible in RescueNet Billing and Billing Pro.


Please contact ZOLL Support if you need the installation files for the ZOLL emsCharts RescueNet Billing Interface, RNDB, or RN ePCR.

Important! Before proceeding you must read the following:

  • You must already have a fully installed and configured RNDB and RN ePCR environment.

  • A fully configured RN ePCR environment will have a RN Import Web Service on the web server but the ZOLL emsCharts RNDB Interface must still be installed because it adds additional functionality to the Import Web Service that allows it to properly translate and import the NEMSIS data from ZOLL emsCharts. NEMSIS data will not sync from ZOLL emsCharts to RNDB without installing the interface and properly configuring the systems.

  • If the RN Import Web Service is already installed, the ZOLL emsCharts RNDB Interface installer will upgrade it.

  • A security certificate must be created for your web server to use for the RN Import Web Service.

  • ZOLL emsCharts IP addresses must be whitelisted for your RescueNet web server to ensure connections are not rejected or blocked. Please consult with your ZOLL implementations specialist or ZOLL support for details.

Steps to install

The installation should be done by your IT administrator.

  1. Run the "EmsCharts RNDB Integration Setup" installer file for the version of RN ePCR you are currently on.

  2. Make sure both the "Zoll PCR Import Web Service" and "EmsCharts RNDB Integration Components" checkboxes are selected and click Next.

  3. Enter the password for the 'ePCR_Suite_IIS' user and click Next.

    Note: This is a local account that was used to install the RN ePCR web components. It may have a different name in your system.

  4. Enter the server name, instance name, and user name and password for your RCSQL database connection and click Next.

  5. Click Install and the installation will run.

  6. Click Finish to close the installer once it completes.


The setup consists of some configurations that are usually done once and rarely, if ever, changed - we'll refer to these as the initial configurations. There are other configurations that need to be updated on a more regular basis - we'll refer to these as maintenance configurations. The following information assumes most basic Service configurations have already been done, including NEMSIS export settings, Service demographics, and QA level workflow.

Click the configuration options below to expand.


Patient encounter data transfer

Once the setup is complete, any time a chart is closed and reaches the configured QA level, the chart data will be sent to RescueNet Billing.

The NEMSIS v3 Status section on Page 9 of the charts will show the BILL status of the chart so you know if it has been successfully exported to RNDB. Clicking on TRANSFER INFO will display the full list of errors and warnings, if any. The button labeled 'Manually Generate and Send NEMSIS v3' in the status section can be used to manually export the data to RNDB by selecting the BILL option for your RNDB system from the drop-down.

Note: When viewing errors and warnings using the TRANSFER INFO Button, all errors and warnings that have ever existed for the chart will be displayed even if they have been fixed so it is important to keep track of which ones you have addressed.

To see a summary of all billing export errors for all charts, go to Reports > Custom Reports > Global: NEMSISv3, select the 'NEMSIS v3 Billing Export Errors' report, and click RUN REPORT.

The results will show a list of errors that occurred for any NEMSIS 3.4 BILL transfer attempts for the service. The results contain any records attempted to be transferred within the last 30 days - it is not based on date of service or other timestamp within the charts.

Run a test call and view it in RescueNet Billing

  1. Either dispatch a call from your CAD system or create a new chart manually in ZOLL emsCharts.

  2. Complete the chart and either wait until it advances naturally to the QA level setup to export to billing, or go to Page 9, use the drop-down in the NEMSIS v3 Status section to select your BILL web service, and click Manually Generate and Send NEMSIS v3.

  3. Check the status message and address any errors if any occurred. Resend if necessary after errors have been cleared until the chart sends successfully.

  4. On a RescueNet Billing workstation, launch RNDB.

  5. In the top toolbar go to TripFind and search for the chart you completed in ZOLL emsCharts. In the Search Results window, double-click the trip for your chart to open it in Call Taking.


    • If you use RescueNet Dispatch for your CAD system, the run number for the chart will be the same as the run number for the trip in RNDB. If you use a different CAD system or manually create charts in ZOLL emsCharts, the run number from your chart will be the incident number for the trip in RNDB.

    • To view the trip in Billing Pro (if installed), once you have the trip open in Call Taking, press Shift+F1 on your keyboard, or, in the top toolbar go to DesktopToolsRescueNet Billing Pro 3.0.

  6. If the Modify Customer button is blue, this indicates there is existing patient data in RNDB that needs to be reconciled with the patient data imported for the trip from ZOLL emsCharts.

    Notes: The settings on the Customer Confirmation tab in RescueNet AdministrationField DataField Data AdministrationImport ConfigurationImport Options control the conditions requiring patient data reconciliation.

  7. To view the chart, go to 2 - MedicalField Data > Attachments and the chart will be listed as "PCR Report.pdf". Select it and click Open to view it.

    Note: The View PCR button will open a copy of the chart but may not contain all of the chart data so it is recommended to use the copy under Attachments.


You have successfully setup the ZOLL emsCharts RescueNet Billing Interface and sent a test chart through to billing. Any time a chart is closed and reaches the configured QA level, the chart data will be sent to RescueNet Billing.

Search the ZOLL Community for Knowledge Base Articles to help troubleshoot any errors you might run into, and contact ZOLL Support if you need further assistance.

Latest interface updates

December 2022

Watch this video to learn more about the latest updates!

The following fixes and new features or enhancements have been added in the latest version of the interface:

  • Exam assessment fix: We fixed an issue that would sometimes cause exam assessments to fail to send from ZOLL emsCharts to RescueNet Billing.

  • PCR data: Two additional pieces of data captured in ZOLL emsCharts will now be included in the PCRs sent to RescueNet Billing.

    • Electronic crew signatures.

    • GCS Scores from Page 3.

      NoteCommand Facility ConfigurationChartPage 3Initial GCS must be set to 'Yes'.

  • Automatic demographic updates: When demographic data (crew members, units, and common addresses and hospitals) is updated in ZOLL emsCharts, it will be automatically sent to RescueNet.

    • Work with your ZOLL representative to enable this feature.

  • Crew members without home state license: You can now sync crew members without a state license in your Service's "home" state, and crew members who do not have a license at all.

    • This feature will use an automatically generated unique ID (UUID) for each crew member in your Service.

    • The UUID will be used in place of the crew members state license ID in the RescueNet system.

    • When this feature is enabled, the UUID will be used for matching for all of your Service's crew members. You cannot turn it on for some crew members but not others.

    • Work with your ZOLL representative to enable this feature.

  • 'Units' and 'Unit Tail / Registration' values sync: Vehicles in RescueNet will now sync with records from both your ZOLL emsCharts 'Units' code table and the 'Unit Tail / Registration' code table. Any values you add into either the 'Units' or the 'Unit Tail / Registration' code tables will search for a matching record in RescueNet. If one is not found, a new vehicle will be created, just like with crew members and common addresses and hospitals.

    Important! If you are using both 'Units' and 'Unit Tail / Registration' for your PCRs, we recommend selecting a 'Corresponding Unit' to associate the 'Unit Tail / Registration' value with a 'Unit' value to prevent duplicate vehicles from being created in RescueNet.

  • Copy CAD Mappings for Billing: For Services using RescueNet Dispatch integrated with ZOLL emsCharts, you now have the option to copy your existing CAD Mappings to save time and avoid duplicate data entry.

    • When viewing the 'Common Addresses' or 'Unit Tail / Registration' CAD Mappings in ZOLL emsCharts, you will see a COPY TO BILLING button. This will take the CAD ID you have entered for each value in that category, and copy it into the 'RescueNet/Sanitas Billing ID' field for each entry.

      Note: The 'RescueNet/Sanitas Billing ID' field is not found in the CAD Mappings. It is found for each individual 'Unit Tail / Registration' value and each Hospital or Common Address in their code table or other configuration location.

    • Work with your ZOLL representative to enable this feature.