Cloud ECG Import for non-ZOLL Devices
Powered by Ambulance of Things™ (AoT™)
ZOLL emsCharts provides the ability to import medical device case files from third-party devices using the cloud. Follow the instructions below to configure your system for importing non-ZOLL medical device case files from the cloud. For instructions on configuring your system to import ZOLL case files from the cloud, refer to Configuring ZOLL emsCharts Integration with ZOLL Cloud ECG.
IMPORTANT! You must have the following before proceeding:
ZOLL emsCharts 'EKG Import for Web' module enabled - contact your sales representative to learn more.
Software administrator access for ZOLL emsCharts. If you don't have administrator access, contact your software administrator for assistance.
Enable Cloud ECG Import for third-party devices
Configure your medical device vendor connection information in the Web ECG Server Setup Code Table. You will need to work with your medical device vendor to get the information required to download case files from the cloud. Add an entry for each device vendor your Service uses to import from the cloud.
Set up the Web ECG Configuration Code Table. Set the 'Default ECG Vendor' to your Service's most commonly used device type, and make sure to configure the ECG Import Options for each type of medical device your Service uses.
Register your medical devices in the Web ECG Monitor Registration Code Table. Each device you want to import cases from must be registered.
IMPORTANT! The device Serial# must be unique to your Service. Two or more Services cannot use the same Serial# for a device, even if the device is used for multiple Services. Using a duplicate Serial# across multiple Services can cause issues displaying the device's case files when trying to import.
Follow the steps below if you want to set up Cloud Import for third-party devices into emsCharts for Windows. Or, learn about importing third-party Cloud ECG cases into emsCharts Web.
Configure Cloud ECG Import for non-ZOLL devices into emsCharts for Windows
The following instructions will allow your users to import third-party medical devices from the cloud into emsCharts for Windows.
IMPORTANT! You must have the following before proceeding:
ZOLL emsCharts for Windows 'EKG Import for Mobile' module enabled - contact your sales representative to learn more.
ZOLL emsCharts software administrator access with the 'ZOLL emsCharts Mobile Administration' Security Role permission. If you don't have administrator access, contact your software administrator for assistance.
Your devices must be on emsCharts for Windows 4.7.0 or higher.
Use the Mobile Configuration Code Table to setup your emsCharts for Windows ECG Import Options and Default Attachment Category.
ECG Import: Select the third-party medical device vendor you will be using to import into emsCharts for Windows.
Note: You can only choose one type of medical device to import into emsCharts for Windows. Philips LifePak 35 support is planned for the summer of 2025.
Click Import Options: Choose which vitals and events to import, which events to display on printed reports, and ECG image options. Scroll down to the bottom and click Save after making your selections.
IMPORTANT! The Cloud ECG Import for emsCharts for Windows currently only functions correctly when ECG Report Image Type is set to 'Default (Leave as JPG, Bitmap)'. Any ECG's imported with ECG Report Image Type set to either 'Single Image per PDF (multiple PDFs)' or 'Multi-image PDF Document (single PDF)' will show "Unexpected error".
Default ECG Image Attachment Category: Select the attachment type for your ECG image attachments.
After the initial install or upgrade to ZOLL emsCharts for Windows version 4.7.0+ on your mobile Windows devices, a Service Administrator must log in and set up a Transmission Method under the Application Settings on the Admin tab.
Note: It does not matter which Transmission Method is selected. A warning message will show every time emsCharts for Windows is launched until one is configured. Click Update Settings after selecting the Transmission Method.
The administrator can then log out and crew members can log in and select the medical device they are using.
Learn about importing third-party Cloud ECG cases into emsCharts for Windows.
Learn about importing third-party Cloud ECG cases into emsCharts Web.