Upload Page

Use the Upload page to view previously uploaded files and to upload additional files.

View previously uploaded files

Choose to view case files that were upload 24, 48, 72 hours ago or view a full seven days of uploads.

Choose to view between last 7 days to last 72 hours of uploads.

Or, you can choose to view uploads with errors.

Upload files

  1. From the CaseReview Navigation Bar, click Upload.
  2. On the Upload page, click Browse. A dialog box opens that allows you to navigate to the stored location.

    Browse to find the cases you want to upload.

  3. At the stored location, highlight case(s) you wish to upload. You can select multiple cases by using the Shift key.
  4. Click Open. The file(s) appear in the field.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. The Upload page updates to show the status of each case (there is no need to refresh the page). There are three upload results:

    • Success: The file successfully uploaded. Click 'View case' to open the Case Summary page.

    • Warning: Issues were found during the upload. Here are some examples of common warning messages:

        Duplicate file, upload of this file was canceled.

        No case was found to be a match for this audio file. It is possible a case will come later and it will be attached.

        The case that matches this audio file already has an associated audio file. The upload file was ignored.

        After you upload a file, click the carrot next to the file name to see the upload status details.

    • Error: A red triangle means that an error occurred that prevented the upload of the file. If the case failed process within the last seven days, two things will happen: (1) A "Retry" link will display under the Result column, (2) An error icon will display by the Upload option on the navigation bar.

Note: When an error occurs, the system automatically retries the upload every hour, up to five attempts. There is a three-hour grace period built in for files that may take a long time to re-parse when uploading.

Expand the upload case to see more information about the upload:

  • To be consistent with the case start, the time fields are in a 24-hour format.

  • The 'Status update' timestamp shows the time the case was processed.

  • Click the blue link or 'View case' to go to Case Summary page.

  • When the filename is too long for the 'Case filename' column, a '...' displays. Hover over the filename to see the full name.

If someone deletes a case file, the case will still display in the Upload page but the links to the case will no longer be active (grayed out).

The Upload page shows the deleted case file upload but the links to the file are no longer there.

If the system detects a non-supported file type, it will display an error.

An error message displays when an invalid file type is detected.

Note: You will see the following upload message if you upload a self-test from an R Series. The system does not create/list a file name for self-test files.


  • CaseReview adds CPR and pause periods determined by the compression data contained in the uploaded case.

  • Cases from the defib can be uploaded in a raw format such as .crd, .ful, .xml, and .jason. Multiple attempts at uploading the same file (with the same format) will be considered a duplicate and will be disallowed.

  • Cases uploaded in a .zol format can be uploaded multiple times. Each time you upload the .zol case, it will overwrite the existing case in CaseReview.