Using the Side Bar on the Manage Cases Page

See Creating and Running Saved Searches



Custom Filters contains user defined criteria filters.

Events: Filter options based on case events

  • Compressions: Filters cases on the existence of any compressions present in the case
  • Manual CPR: Filters cases on the existence of a CPR Period in the case
  • Shock delivered: Filters on the existence of a shock delivered event in the case (occurs when the device delivers a shock)
  • Shock advised: Filters on the existence of a Shock Advised event in the case (occurs when the device displayed a Shock Advised message)
  • No shock advised: Filters on the existence of a No Shock Advised event in the case (occurs when the device displayed a No Shock Advised message)
  • 12-Lead: Filters on the existence of a 12-Lead snapshot event occurring in the case
  • STEMI: Filters on the existence of a STEMI (12-Lead interpretive statement) occurring in the case
  • Acute MI: Filters on the existence of an Acute MI (12-Lead interpretive statement) occurring in the case
  • Pacing: Filters on the existence of a Pacing event occurring in the case
  • Sync Mode: Filters on the existence of Sync Mode occurring in the case

  • Synchronized Cardioversion: Filters on the existence of both a Sync Mode, and shock occurring during the Sync Mode, in the case

  • ROSC: Filters on the existence of a ROSC period in the case
  • AutoPulse: Filters on the existence of an AutoPulse period in the case
  • Real BVM Help™: Filters on the existence of ventilation delivered via a Real BVM Help™ device in the case
  • Audio: Filters on the existence of recorded audio associated with the case
  • No Audio: Filters on the absence of recorded audio associated with the case

Case types: Filters cases based on 'Clinical' , 'Simulated' , or 'Other' types - for more information, see Case Type Identification

Tags: Filters the cases based on their respective assigned tags. See Using tags

Patient age group: Filters on cases that are marked for 'Adult', 'Pediatric', or 'Infant'

Reviewed cases: If you checked the 'Reviewed' box on the Performance Summary tab, you can set this filter to find all cases with that box checked.

Case date range: Use the quick date range picker with today, yesterday, last 7 days, current month, last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, year to date, and last calendar year - or customize your date range

Search (Patient ID, Unit ID, Serial #, Device Version): Filters cases based on the values of multiple fields at once. For example, if a filter value entered matches any part of the Patient ID, Unit ID, Serial #, or Device Version fields, only those cases display.

Alarms: Filters based on case alarms. If multiple alarms are selected the query treats this as an ‘or’ operator and will return cases that match any of the selected alarms.

  • BR/RR: Filters on the existence of a Breath Rate/Respiration Rate alarm present in the case
  • EtCO2: Filters on the existence of an EtCO2 alarm present in the case
  • FiCO2: Filters on the existence of a FiCO2 alarm present in the case
  • HR/PR: Filters on the existence of a Heart Rate/Pulse Rate alarm present in the case
  • IBP: Filters on the existence of an IBP alarm present in the case
  • NIBP Diastolic: Filters on the existence of a Diastolic NIBP alarm present in the case
  • NIBP Systolic: Filters on the existence of a Systolic NIBP pressure alarm present in the case
  • PVI: Filters on the existence of a PVI (pleth variability index) alarm present in the case
  • SpO2: Filters on the existence of a Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) alarm present in the case
  • SpOC: Filters on the existence of a SpOC (carboxhemoglobin saturation) alarm present in the case
  • Temperature: Filters on the existence of a temperature alarm present in the case


Events: Filter options based on case events

  • Compressions: Filters cases on the existence of any compressions present in the case
  • Manual CPR: Filters cases on the existence of a CPR Period in the case
  • Shock delivered: Filters on the existence of a shock delivered event in the case (occurs when the device delivers a shock)
  • Shock advised: Filters on the existence of a Shock Advised event in the case (occurs when the device displayed a Shock Advised message)
  • No shock advised: Filters on the existence of a No Shock Advised event in the case (occurs when the device displayed a No Shock Advised message)
  • 12-Lead: Filters on the existence of a 12-Lead snapshot event occurring in the case
  • STEMI: Filters on the existence of a STEMI (12-Lead interpretive statement) occurring in the case
  • Acute MI: Filters on the existence of an Acute MI (12-Lead interpretive statement) occurring in the case
  • Pacing: Filters on the existence of a Pacing event occurring in the case
  • Synchronized Cardioversion: Filters on the existence of a Synchronized Cardioversion event occurring in the case
  • Sync Mode:
  • ROSC: Filters on the existence of a ROSC period in the case
  • AutoPulse: Filters on the existence of an AutoPulse period in the case
  • Real BVM Help™: Filters on the existence of ventilation delivered via a Real BVM Help™ device in the case
  • Audio: Filters on the existence of recorded audio associated with the case
  • No Audio: Filters on the absence of recorded audio associated with the case

Vitals: Filter options based on case vitals

  • BR/RR: Filters on the existence of a Breath Rate/Respiration Rate data present in the case
  • EtCO2: Filters on the existence of an EtCO2 data present in the case
  • FiCO2: Filters on the existence of a FiCO2 data present in the case
  • HR/PR: Filters on the existence of a Heart Rate/Pulse Rate data present in the case
  • IBP: Filters on the existence of an IBP data present in the case
  • NIBP Diastolic: Filters on the existence of a diastolic NIBP data present in the case
  • NIBP Systolic:  Filters on the existence of a systolic NIBP pressure data present in the case
  • PVI: Filters on the existence of a PVI (pleth variability index) data present in the case
  • SpO2: Filters on the existence of a Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) data present in the case
  • SpOC: Filters on the existence of a SpOC (carboxhemoglobin saturation) data present in the case
  • Temperature: Filters on the existence of a temperature data present in the case

Waveforms: Filter options based on case waveforms

  • CO2: Filters based on a CO2 waveform being present in the case
  • ECG: Filters based on an ECG waveform being present in the case
  • IBP1: Filters based on a waveform being present in the case in the P1 channel
  • IBP2: Filters based on a waveform being present in the case in the P2 channel
  • IBP3: Filters based on a waveform being present in the case in the P3 channel
  • SpO2: Filters based on an SpO2 waveform being present in the case
  • Ventilation: Filters based on a ventilation marker being present in a waveform (sources: capnography, leads impedance, or user entered)

Device Type: Options will filter cases based on the Zoll device type that generated the case

  • AED 3
  • AED Plus
  • AED Pro
  • E Series
  • M Series
  • Propaq M
  • Propaq MD
  • R Series
  • Unknown
  • X Series

Patient age group: Options will filter cases based on the patient age group associated with the case

  • Adult
  • Pediatric
  • Infant